Tag: Career
The Mind Of Faith
Repeatedly challenging my self-doubt, I embark on a mission to spread Buddhism through American Sign Language. I’m Phyllis Sapp from Minneapolis.
Tag: Career
Repeatedly challenging my self-doubt, I embark on a mission to spread Buddhism through American Sign Language. I’m Phyllis Sapp from Minneapolis.
Tag: Career
Finding a mentor, I step boldly into a role I wasn’t taught to play—that of a father.
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Buddhist encounters lead to New York and the realization that I hold the key to the Buddha land.
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Following a traumatic accident, I learn that victory lies within. I’m Brian Lindgren from Charlottesville, Virginia.
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Reawakened to a childhood calling, I return to school to discover new ways to bring forth the strength and wisdom residing in all people. I’m Stephanie Wilson from Altadena, California.
Tag: Career
Striving in faith, I forge a winning heart and mind.
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Fighting for the life of a hospital, I lay the foundation for my own unshakable happiness.
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Responding to my mentor, I inherit the essential message of my father’s life. I’m Mehul Anand from Atlanta.
Tag: Career
Seeking the mentor, I master my anger to win at my work.
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Healing through art, I discover my mission and bring joy to all around me.
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Seeking my mentor, I strive to build the Buddha land as an architect for kosen-rufu. I’m Wayne Thomas from Los Angeles.
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My Buddhist practice has enabled me to transform my perceived weaknesses into my greatest strengths. I’m Matt Thompson from Denver.
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By practicing Nichiren Buddhism with the SGI, I have gained a deeper sense of my mission as a “lawyer for life.”
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Saving day by day for May Contribution, my husband and I embark on the business venture of our lives.
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Tempering my strengths, my Buddhist practice yields the wisdom to fulfill my dream of founding a tech startup. I’m Lenny Bogdonoff from New York.
Tag: Career
Managing the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I deepen my faith and develop immensely, together with those around me.
Tag: Career
My Buddhist wisdom has driven me to connect with my students, my music and my mission for kosen-rufu. I’m Suzanne Pittson from Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Tag: Career
How I awoke to my deeper identity as a Bodhisattva of the Earth. I’m Shota Okajima from Madison, New Jersey.
Tag: Career
In the wake of my brother’s death, I discovered my mission as an educator to foster the future. I’m Nichi Aviña from Palm Desert, California.
Tag: Career
How SGI-USA youth are using their Buddhist practice to win at work.