Tag: Career
Tag: Career
Tag: Career
How embracing the oneness of mentor and disciple created a path for me to pursue my dream career.
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How cherishing the life of each student led to the flourishing of my own life.
Tag: Career
My human revolution opened the path for me to accomplish a decadeslong dream. by Rodney Mitchell Phoenix The benefits I’ve received through my 32 years of Buddhist practice have been nothing short of amazing. One of the most enduring experiences has been my career as a lawyer. Inspired by SGI President Ikeda’s humanistic behavior when
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Bradley YeatesAUGUSTA, GEORGIA Living Buddhism: Thank you, Bradley, for sharing your experience with us. We understand that your story actually begins a generation before you. Bradley Yeates: Yes, my story begins with my father, John Yeates, an energy pioneer. In the summer of 1955, his groundbreaking work enabled Arco, Idaho, to become the first city
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How my practice enabled me to speak up, value my life and treasure the person in front of me. by Susan Robins Chesterfield, S.C. When I was introduced to Buddhism in the 1980s, I had graduated from college but could not get a job. My life had no real direction, and my seniors in faith
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How we have transformed our financial fortune and fostered youthful successors based on our bodhisattva vow. by Maia Guest and John Plummer Cold Spring, N.Y. World Tribune: Thank you, Maia and John, for sharing your family experience with us! We understand that your life significantly changed in 2011. What happened? John Plummer (husband): In late
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How I overcame debilitating health challenges and opened my careerpath through awakening to my bodhisattva vow. by JeanneMarie MandleyCHICAGO One night in January 2017, I woke up screaming because I couldn’t feel my legs. I found out I had mononucleosis, and the virus had attacked the nerves in my spinal cord. After being paralyzed for
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by Matthew Wroblewski Doe Run, Mo. How practicing for myself and others allowed me to change a life of complacency into one of action and benefits. A year after getting my bachelor’s, my life was marked with utter complacency. My average day in 2015 consisted of waking up far into the evening, playing video games
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Hunter FergusonNEW YORK Living Buddhism: Thank you, Hunter, for sharing your experience with us. What were your early years like? Hunter Ferguson: I was born in Harlem and spent my early childhood in a neighborhood overrun by drugs, violence and gangs. I grew to be shy and scared, thinking people were out to hurt or
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Winning means living with joy throughout the process of challenging all our struggles.
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How I transformed a childhood trauma into my mission to create a better world. by Ellie AustinSANTA ROSA, CALIF When I was 12, a boy at school asked me to go out with him. I said no, figuring that was the end of it. Unfortunately, he couldn’t take the rejection and began harassing me. This
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by Bianca Jofre Miami Two years ago, I decided to pursue a career as a clinical social worker. This meant going back to school for a master’s. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, particularly because it was important for me to win as a mother, wife, full-time employee and newly appointed district women’s leader. The
Tag: Career
by Victoria SmithNew Orleans Living Buddhism: Thank you, Victoria, for sharing your experience with us! As a mother, physician and women’s leader of South Central Zone, you have tremendous responsibilities. How do you manage everything? Victoria Smith: There is no such thing as balance; it’s about chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon and manifesting the wisdom to