Tag: Home Visit Revolution
Tips on Effective Home Visits
The Soka Gakkai’s network of life-to-life bonds was built through the efforts to personally encourage one person after another.
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
The Soka Gakkai’s network of life-to-life bonds was built through the efforts to personally encourage one person after another.
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Lee MaloneSGI-USA Vice General Director I learned the spirit to treasure the person in front of
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Danny NagashimaSGI-USA Executive Advisor During a tour of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Donna SnyderSGI-USA Vice National Women’s Leader I continue to learn the Soka Gakkai spirit to treasure
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Tariq Hasan SGI-USA Senior Vice General Director In the spirit of “Thus I heard,” I always
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by David WitkowskiSGI-USA Vice Youth Leader A young man I was supporting years ago had been diagnosed
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Adin Strauss SGI-USA General Director Recently, I visited a member who has been facing severe career
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Olivia SaitoSGI-USA Youth Leader This year, I decided to challenge home visits like never before, and in
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this new World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Maya GunaseharanSGI-USA Young Women’s Leader During a recent home visit in Chicago, a young woman opened
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Ryo KurokiSGI-USA Young Men’s Leader Meeting with young men across the SGI-USA is my greatest honor.
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this new World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Kevin MoncriefSGI-USA Men’s Leader I recently met with a district men’s leader in Oakland, California.
Tag: Home Visit Revolution
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this new World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Naoko LeslieSGI-USA Women’s Leader Recently I visited a district women’s leader, who also invited her