Tag: Human Revolution
Until They Become Happy
Member care, the painstaking efforts to awaken one friend after another, is the heart of the Soka Gakkai spirit.
Tag: Human Revolution
Member care, the painstaking efforts to awaken one friend after another, is the heart of the Soka Gakkai spirit.
Tag: Human Revolution
Embarking anew with our sights on the future.
Tag: Human Revolution
Beginning this Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide, let’s study excerpts of Ikeda Sensei’s guidance from The Third Stage of Life on remaining ever-youthful throughout our life. True Victory Is Winning in the End My beloved mentor, Josei Toda, the second Soka Gakkai president, used to say that the last years
Tag: Human Revolution
How Sustaining Contribution builds the foundation for our happiness.
Tag: Human Revolution
The following excerpts are from Ikeda Sensei’s guidance in The Third Stage of Life, where he speaks about how we can live our lives to the fullest. Trials Enrich Our Life If we triumph at a crucial moment, then in accord with the Buddhist principle of consistency from beginning to end, we will enter a
Tag: Human Revolution
Distilled from Ikeda Sensei’s encouragement, here are five reasons to practice gratitude.
Tag: Human Revolution
We sometimes find ourselves in difficult situations that seem beyond our control. Instead of viewing difficult events as our unchangeable destiny, we take them on as our mission to revolutionize our state of life and create value. And by not being defeated by such challenges, we lessen their negative impact on us. In fact, we
Tag: Human Revolution
The term human revolution was used by second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda to describe the process by which we elevate our state of life and become unshakably happy—the ultimate goal of our Buddhist practice. In Japan, the attainment of Buddhahood had long been viewed as something to be realized only after death, but Mr.
Tag: Human Revolution
In the mid-15th century, Cape Bojador remained the southernmost point that Portuguese explorers were willing to voyage. What lay beyond the cape was the province of superstition: boiling waters, sea monsters, the end of the earth. Such were the tales that seafarers coined the waters the Sea of Darkness, the point of no return. Prince
Tag: Human Revolution
Buddhism offers deep insights into the nature of our lives and society, as well as how we can transform and improve both. The Lotus Sutra, for instance, describes people of this age as being “arrogant and puffed up with self-importance, fawning and devious, insincere in mind” (The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and Closing Sutras,
Tag: Human Revolution
Caregiving for an elderly family member is a great responsibility. Truth be told, while it can be incredibly rewarding, it can also be extremely challenging at times. In this issue, we interview SGI-USA members about their caregiving experiences, and include guidance from Ikeda Sensei’s book On Health and Long Life to those undertaking this important
Tag: Human Revolution
A strong inner self is the key to happiness.
Tag: Human Revolution
Looking for a podcast to boost your health and wellness in the new year? Among the 250 top-rated shows on iTunes, you can find ones to tame anxiety, listen to your inner child, listen to your gut, relax with white noise and green-drink your way to wellness. Add to that the plethora of like-minded books,
Tag: Human Revolution
Some friendships are so iconic that they can only be understood in pairs. Frodo and Sam. Cher and Dionne. Maverick and Goose. They reinforce for us the value of friendship, of having a ride-or-die, to share life’s rollercoaster highs and lows (even if those lows take you to the gates of Mordor). To be sure,
Tag: Human Revolution
New Year’s resolutions have existed, in some form, for around 4,000 years. (Think ancient Babylonians making promises to the gods to return borrowed objects and pay off debts.) And while these resolutions have decidedly religious origins, today, they are largely promises we make to ourselves. Perhaps being the only one to hold ourselves accountable is
Tag: Human Revolution
On Nov. 18, the Soka Gakkai announced its 2022 theme: the Year of Youth and Dynamic Progress. As we reflect on the past year and approach a new one, we may wonder how to make “dynamic progress” amid incredible uncertainty. However, when we look at the Soka Gakkai’s long history, it is our proud tradition
Tag: Human Revolution
The oldest surviving love poem was recorded 4,000 years ago on a cuneiform tablet titled “The Love Song of Shu-Sin” (recited by a bride to her Sumerian king). Today, some of the most relatable love poems are conveyed through song. By one estimate, 100 million songs have been recorded about love, capturing from every angle
Tag: Human Revolution
Courage is the way to lead a more profound and meaningful existence.
Tag: Human Revolution
It’s 6 a.m. Your alarm goes off. Your first thought is a fleeting hope that you accidentally set your alarm for 3 and still have more time to sleep. Wishful thinking. It’s time to rise and shine! You have your district study meeting at 7 p.m., but not before you pick up your child from
Tag: Human Revolution
Few things are harder than parting with loved ones; and yet, in life, nothing is more certain than death.