Tag: Human Revolution
On the Perfectionist Bent
What Buddhism has to say about what drives us and how to truly enjoy our lives.
Tag: Human Revolution
What Buddhism has to say about what drives us and how to truly enjoy our lives.
Tag: Human Revolution
What's holding you back? Buddhism's take on establishing absolute freedom.
Tag: Human Revolution
J.R. Ewing. C. Montgomery Burns. Lucious Lyon. Pick your favorite ultrawealthy avatar. Society’s modern fascination with money has spawned TV shows, movies and lyrics that are embedded in our collective consciousness. (Is it really all about the Benjamins?) Perhaps we’ve even daydreamed a time or two about what we’d do if we received an unexpected
Tag: Human Revolution
The American author Pearl S. Buck said that finding joy in work “is to discover the fountain of youth.” To be sure, we spend the majority of our waking day—and waking life—at work. According to one study, that adds up to an average of 90,000 hours, or a third of our lives, at work. Even
Tag: Human Revolution
Masks. Quarantine. Social distancing. These words were not in our collective conscience before 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic altered our awareness in surprising and unforeseen ways. Shakyamuni Buddha realized that all people, no matter their circumstances, at some time in their lives face the suffering of illness, as well as the other universal sufferings of
Tag: Human Revolution
Need inspiration? Here are some excerpts from Ikeda Sensei’s guidance that can inspire us to develop ourselves and transform difficult relationships. Prayer It is … important to chant for those you don’t like, find hard to get along with or feel resentful toward. It may be difficult and perhaps even impossible for you to do
Tag: Human Revolution
We strengthen our life force and expand our capacity when we live the bodhisattva way of helping others become happy.
Tag: Human Revolution
SGI President Ikeda assures us that the secret to a long and happy life is to keep advancing in high spirits, with hope, joy and a sense of mission toward a grand objective.
Tag: Human Revolution
Amid the greatest adversities, we can reveal our innate power as human beings and transform society.
Tag: Human Revolution
7 signs of inner transformation based on a life of courageous action.