Tag: In Focus
The Mentor-Disciple Journey for Peace Will Continue Forever
Marking the first anniversary of Ikeda Sensei’s passing, representative SGI leaders from around the world renew their vow to create peace.
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Marking the first anniversary of Ikeda Sensei’s passing, representative SGI leaders from around the world renew their vow to create peace.
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On our efforts as a Soka community to take the initiative to know and cherish each young person.
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The 2024 documentary Join or Die opens with a man sharing why he signed up for a fraternal society in Waxahachie, Texas, two decades earlier, shortly after his brother had died. “I was needing some brotherhood in my life,” he says. “When I came here, I knew I had found myself a spot where I
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The SGI-USA will mark one year since Ikeda Sensei’s passing by bringing together 50,000 members and friends at our November district general meetings.
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by Amelia Gonzalez Tesch and Shota Okajima SGI-USA Young Women’s Division and SGI-USA Young Men’s Division Leaders We so appreciate the opportunity to represent the SGI-USA at the 2024 SGI Youth Training Course. From June 26 to July 2, 18 youth from the SGI-USA were among 260 representatives from 60 countries and territories who gathered
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Youth representatives from around the world gather with a determination to carry on their mentor’s legacy.
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by James HerrmannSGI-USA MEN’S Leader In January 2022, the SGI-USA men’s division reported to Ikeda Sensei that we established a safety and security group. On that occasion, he sent a congratulatory message and stated the purpose of the group: You are vigilantly safeguarding our SGI centers, the treasure castles of our communities, for the sake
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Raising future leaders with the readiness to protect others.
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In the DC Universe, the iconic “S shield” worn by Superman, Supergirl and other members of the House of El represents the Kryptonian symbol for “hope.” In the SGI-USA, the recently introduced “S pin” honors another type of hero: those who compassionately introduce, or “shakubuku” another person to start their Buddhist practice and join the
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An opportunity for our retired men’s division members to protect our kosen-rufu movement.
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Learning from the passion of the SGI-USA youth.
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with SGI-USA Youth Leaders Amelia Gonzalez Tesch and Shota Okajima World Tribune: How do the upcoming March Youth Peace Festivals play into 2024 as the Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide? Amelia Gonzalez Tesch: Each SGI-USA member can remain ever-youthful! And one of the best ways to do so is by
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Introducing the four-territory structure.
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11/18/24 80 Years Since Founding President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi Died for His Beliefs 1/26/25 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the SGI 9/8/27 70th Anniversary of Josei Toda’s Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons 3/16/28 70th Anniversary of Kosen-rufu Day 8/6/28 10th Anniversary of the Completion of The New Human Revolution 5/3/30 70th Anniversary of
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Translating into action the SGI’s 2024 Theme: The Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide.
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Reaffirming the spirit of Soka Gakkai performing groups as the Ikeda Youth Ensemble reemerges toward March 2024.
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Toward the youth gatherings celebrating Ikeda Sensei’s 100th birthday, the national youth leaders declare, “We the youth will open the path forward in the next five years.”
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In July, the youth will hold divisional gatherings across the country to commemorate the founding of the young men’s division (July 11, 1951) and the young women’s division (July 19, 1951). The World Tribune spoke with SGI-USA Young Women’s Leader Amelia Gonzalez and SGI-USA Young Men’s Leader Shota Okajima about these gatherings and how every SGI-USA
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Stories from the frontlines of our movement.
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The SGI-USA relaunches one-hour chanting sessions on Sunday mornings.