Tag: In Focus
SGI-USA’s new digital ecosystem for American youth
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SGI-USA’s new digital ecosystem for American youth
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Living Buddhism: This year has been challenging on many fronts, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic fallout and the racial injustice we see in American society. Ikeda Sensei recently underscored the importance of the next 10 years, toward the 100th anniversary of the Soka Gakkai’s founding, as a time of change. He says in part:
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by Adin StraussSGI-USA General Director We entered June with heart-wrenching images of civil unrest unfolding in cities throughout the U.S., following the death of George Floyd, who died in custody, handcuffed and unarmed. On May 29, the SGI-USA national leadership team responded with a statement in which we expressed our sadness and outrage at this blatant disregard
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by Olivia Saito, Maya Gunaseharan and Ryo KurokiSGI-USA Youth Leaders At the beginning of this significant year of 2020, we, the youth of the SGI-USA, made a call to action—a cry from the depths of our beings to call forth and raise a new generation of peacemakers, who have both the philosophy and means to transform our
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Advancing toward May 3, let’s enable 6,000 youth to start chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and elevate the life state of humanity.
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With the suspension of all in-person organizational activities, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in SGI-USA Zoom videoconferences. While technology can bring people together, it cannot replace the heart of Soka, which is to connect one to one. SGI President Ikeda emphasizes this point using the analogy of cells in a
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Based on the “2020 Roadmap to Victory,” in March, we will continue our propagation focus while gathering youth division members and guests for chapter-level March Youth Discussion Meetings, themed “One Youth. Infinite Hope.” (from March 7 to 15). Addressing the Challenges of American Youth The following topics are prevalent issues youth face today, accompanied by
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One person awakening to their Buddhahood can change the world—introducing the SGI-USA’s new, hope-filled focus.
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by Olivia Saito, Ryo Kuroki, Maya GunaseharanSGI-USA Youth Leaders Happy New Year’s, heroic members of the SGI-USA! We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to you for all your efforts in 2019 to develop the youth and future division members, ensuring that our movement for justice, respect and the dignity of life flourishes into
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In 2020, the Year of Advancement and Capable People, the SGI will celebrate three historic milestones: May 3 marks 60 years since Daisaku Ikeda was inaugurated as the third Soka Gakkai president at the age of 32; October 2 is the 60th anniversary of President Ikeda’s arrival in Hawaii to launch his first journey outside
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by Olivia Saito, David Witkowski, Maya Gunaseharan and Ryo KurokiSGI-USA Youth Leaders To the wonderful members of the SGI-USA, Congratulations, and thank you for a victorious August! Commemorating the month, 72 years ago, when SGI President Ikeda attended his first meeting and joined the Soka Gakkai, the SGI-USA welcomed 1,531 new bodhisattvas, who received the
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Chelsea Chapter, New York Young Men’s Leader: Peter KaruppiahYoung Women’s Leader: Inhwa HungMen’s Leader: Vivek SananWomen’s Leader: Hiromi Akai Goal: 85 youth We are uniting four-divisionally in front of the Gohonzon and determined to take thorough action! To decide on our goal, we doubled our highest youth attendance from 2018 and added 10 to account
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Combating the isolation that many young Americans experience today, the SGI-USA will hold chapter-level Youth Discussion Meetings in July, where participants can develop bonds of friendship and learn about the Buddhist philosophy of dignity and hope. by Maya Gunaseharan, Ryo Kuroki and Olivia Saito SGI-USA Young Women’s, Young Men’s and Youth Leaders Thank you to
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WESTON, Fla., Feb. 2—Celebrating the SGI-USA’s great achievement of gathering 50,000 Lions of Justice on Sept. 23, 2018, SGI President Ikeda gifted a stunning eight-piece Chihuly glass sculpture to the youth of America. He asked that it be displayed as a symbol of the “shared triumph of mentor and disciple.” This significant artwork was last seen
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—SGI President Ikeda
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Discussion meetings are the most important of Soka Gakkai activities. Founding Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi has said that the primary elements of a discussion meeting’s success are 1) experiences that show actual proof of the teaching and 2) particpants who are seeking to be convinced of the validity of the teaching, meaning to bring
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As the SGI-USA starts a new era that is laser-focused on developing the district through personal encouragement and home visits, the World Tribune sat down with the SGI-USA leaders to discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. World Tribune: Can you share a memorable home visit
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In volume one of The New Human Revolution, SGI President Ikeda writes in the epilogue: “Without the disciple’s efforts to make it a reality, the mentor’s grand vision will remain an empty dream. The true value of the principles set forth by the mentor are only revealed when they are applied and developed.” Starting this