Tag: Many Treasures
Amid a health scare, they learn that winning lies in encouraging others.
Tag: Many Treasures
Amid a health scare, they learn that winning lies in encouraging others.
Tag: Many Treasures
In the face of loss, I teach my students, my nephews and myself that all hardship can be transformed into value.
Tag: Many Treasures
Raising the next generation of young men’s leaders, I rediscover the roots of my faith.
Tag: Many Treasures
Working with people, I learn to trust them and myself.
Tag: Many Treasures
Enduring gain and loss, I understand that victory is decided by my determination.
Tag: Many Treasures
Bearing the courage of a friend in mind, I bring a zeal for kosen-rufu to Alabama.
Tag: Many Treasures
An encounter with my mentor awakens me to my mission to teach in New York.
Tag: Many Treasures
Over my 56 years of Buddhist practice, I’ve overcome family discord, troubles at work and illness, based on my vow to strive for kosen-rufu in America with my mentor, Ikeda Sensei. I’m Rod Burke from San Luis Obispo, California.
Tag: Many Treasures
Basing ourselves on a vow for the happiness of the people, my wife and I forge a bond transcending time and space, and even death.
Tag: Many Treasures
Finding Buddhism in my 60s, I awaken to my mission to demonstrate what’s possible in life’s golden years.
Tag: Many Treasures
Returning to a forgotten lake, I find more than memories—love and a sense of mission.
Tag: Many Treasures
Living with an incurable neurological disease, I show up as a positive force.
Tag: Many Treasures
Basing everything on prayer, family reveals to me that my life itself is the treasure tower.
Tag: Many Treasures
Visiting my mother near the end of her life, I reveal the mother I want to be for my children.
Tag: Many Treasures
Making our home a bastion of kosen-rufu, I wage a battle to bring hope to the members of New Mexico.
Tag: Many Treasures
Confronting life’s workaday struggles, I learn to live—and write—deeply. I’m Judy Juanita from Oakland.
Tag: Many Treasures
Discovering Buddhism in my golden years, I chart a course for happiness.
Tag: Many Treasures
In a world turned upside down, good friends guide me on the path of my mission.
Tag: Many Treasures
Striving alongside my mentor, I confront my fear of self-expression to become a bold disciple and actor.
Tag: Many Treasures
By practicing Nichiren Buddhism with the SGI, I have gained a deeper sense of my mission as a “lawyer for life.”