Tag: Many Treasures Group
Spreading Happiness to Everyone Around Me
I have developed a state of life in which I can see benefit in any situation.
Tag: Many Treasures Group
I have developed a state of life in which I can see benefit in any situation.
Tag: Many Treasures Group
Q: I am often conflicted when our May Commemorative Contribution activity comes around. I have tremendous gratitude for having practiced within the SGI-USA for the last four decades. I have always given monthly contributions and really challenged myself in May to make a significant offering. Now in my late 70s and living alone on a
Tag: Many Treasures Group
My family experienced the tragedies of war, but now we are protagonists for peace.
Tag: Many Treasures Group
Nanami Vittor joins the Many Treasures Group (MTG) national team as the newly appointed SGI-USA vice women’s MTG leader. Mrs. Vittor lives in Ellicott City, Maryland, and also serves as the Mid-Atlantic Zone vice women’s leader. She started her Buddhist practice with the Soka Gakkai in 1967 in Japan and has since practiced in several
Tag: Many Treasures Group
The life of each of us is like a canvas. What kind of picture do we paint there? We don’t have to be a celebrity or a genius. What’s important is to fill our canvas in our own style and to our own satisfaction, depicting the brilliant drama of a life devoted to our own
Tag: Many Treasures Group
A: Nichiren Daishonin writes, “You will grow younger, and your good fortune will accumulate” (“The Unity of Husband and Wife,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 464). Ikeda Sensei gives us guidance below on. how to attain this goal and urges us to practice with hope while facing any difficulties, including those that
Tag: Many Treasures Group
A. It is difficult to inspire oneself, especially in isolation. Therefore, we need to stay in close communication with our fellow members and continue to seek encouragement from Ikeda Sensei through our publications. Let’s see what Sensei says about our spirit and mission as Many Treasures Group members in The New Human Revolution: • •
Tag: Many Treasures Group
A: First of all, it’s critical that you observe all the medical guidance by 1) staying at home as much as possible, 2) wearing a mask when you have contact with anyone out- side your household, 3) washing your hands frequently and 4) maintaining social distancing. The ABC Campaign—Abundant chanting, Buddhist study and Connect life-to-life—is
Tag: Many Treasures Group
The World Tribune is pleased to present a new series dedicated to the Many Treasures Group (MTG), which will appear in its second weekly issue each month. We will study Ikeda Sensei’s foundational guidance to address frequently asked questions by members of this group. Sensei recently said: “Let’s all commend our ‘Many Treasures’ senior members
Tag: Many Treasures Group
To My Friends of Each Division Engaged in Our Shared Struggle [48]
Tag: Many Treasures Group
by Adin Strauss SGI-USA General Director To our most precious Many Treasures Group members, Thank you for your ceaseless efforts to support kosen-rufu through your activities in the district, the personal encouragement you offer and the abundant daimoku you chant! This is an extraordinary time for kosen-rufu in America. Since the successful 50,000 Lions of