Tag: Publications
New ‘Advance Together’ Line!
Audio aid now available for SGI-USA publications.
Tag: Publications
Audio aid now available for SGI-USA publications.
Tag: Publications
In these uncertain and turbulent times, members have been utilizing the SGI-USA publications more than ever to encourage their friends, family and fellow Buddhists. Through such efforts, many guests have subscribed to learn more about our practice of Nichiren Buddhism, while members across the country have renewed their subscriptions to refresh their faith. Ikeda Sensei gave
Tag: Publications
A heartfelt thanks to the readers who subscribe to, study and share the SGI- USA publications! With this issue, the World Tribune introduces an updated look and feel, with a new logo, updated fonts and more entry points into each page. The aim: to make the newspaper more accessible, readable and compelling for members and guests, amid their
Tag: Publications
From a Person of Despair to Mission by Tracey VangPhoenix In September 2018, my friend introduced me to the SGI. I was going through a lot then; I had challenges connecting to my family, struggled with my career and put my dream of becoming a nurse on hold. I began chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo here and there, and
Tag: Publications
JANUARY 1 WORLD TRIBUNE The Year of Victory for Each SGI-USA Member! The SGI-USA announced several key objectives for 2019, the Year of Soka Victory—Toward Our 90th Anniversary: 1. Engage in an unprecedented number of home visits and personal guidance sessions.2. Hold youth discussion meetings by chapter in July and gather 25,000 youth nationwide.3. Actively