Tag: SGI-USA Exams
Test Your Basics
A study tool for the Introductory Exam, being held on April 12–13.
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
A study tool for the Introductory Exam, being held on April 12–13.
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
Q. Who is eligible to take it? A. This exam—available in English and Spanish—is open to new members as well as those who have not taken or passed the Introductory Exam in previous years. Guests are also more than welcome to take the exam! To find out who is eligible in your local organization, district–national
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
On Feb. 1, 2025, the SGI-USA will hold the Ikeda Wisdom Academy exam for the sixth class. The exam will be on volumes 1–3 of The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra and will be offered in English only. Here is everything you need to know. ELIGIBILITY The exam is for: district through national youth leaders;
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
The SGI-USA will hold its first Intermediate Exam of 2024 from Dec. 7–8. The exam will be on the second half of The Basics of Nichiren Buddhism and will be offered in English only. Here is everything you need to know. ELIGIBILITY This exam is for anyone who has passed the Introductory Exam. To take
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
Buddhist study is a vital element for maintaining throughout our lives a consistent Buddhist practice and an ever-deepening faith. As Ikeda Sensei wrote: “Buddhist study is particularly important. Through your efforts in Buddhist study, you establish your path in life. If you stop applying yourselves to Buddhist study, you will forget why you are practicing,
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
The SGI-USA will hold its second introductory exam of 2024 onOct. 12–13. The exam will be on the new introductory material published earlier this year and will be offered in English and Spanish. Here is everything you need to know! ELIGIBILITY This exam is for all new members, and everyone who has not taken or
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
Try your hand at five sample questions from the upcoming introductory exam material. 1. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the heart and essence of the Buddha, which is expressed in wise and compassionate actions to lead all people to enlightenment. In this phrase, nam means to __________.(HINT: See The Basics of Nichiren Buddhism, p. 19)a) completely cut all ties
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
The SGI-USA Introductory Exam will be held on April 13 and 14. Preparing for and taking the exam is an opportunity for members and guests to study Nichiren Buddhism, a vital element of Buddhist practice, and deepen their understanding of its philosophy and history. Regarding SGI study exams, Ikeda Sensei writes: How highly Nichiren Daishonin,
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
The SGI-USA will hold its first introductory exam of 2024 on April 13–14. This will also be the first exam on new introductory material and will be offered in English and Spanish. Here is everything you need to know to get started! ELIGIBILITY This exam is for all new members, and everyone who has not
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
The SGI-USA will hold its first introductory exam of 2024 on April 13–14. This exam is for all new members, and everyone who has not taken or passed the Introductory Exam in previous years. Guests are more than welcome to take the exam as well! This will be the first exam on a new introductory
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
“Never, from ancient times on, has anyone seen or heard of winter turning back to autumn. Nor have we ever heard of a believer in the Lotus Sutra who turned into an ordinary person.” A young man named David Martinez recited this passage from Nichiren Daishonin into a microphone at an early Sunday Soka 2030
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
1. When and where can I take the exam? The SGI-USA Introductory Exam will be held Oct. 7–8, 2023, at local SGI-USA centers. Contact your local leader for more details. 2. Who can take it? Any SGI-USA member who has not taken or who did not pass a previous introductory exam may take this exam.
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
Oct. 7–8, 2023
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
3 Reasons Why Buddhist Study Is Important
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
The SGI-USA introductory exam will be held on Oct. 29–30. Study is a vital aspect of our Buddhist practice. Preparing for and taking the introductory exam is an opportunity for members and guests to deepen their understanding of Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings through studying his writings, Ikeda Sensei’s commentaries, various Buddhist concepts, and the history Nichiren
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
This October 7–8, the SGI-USA will hold online Introductory Exams, administered at SGI-USA centers across the country. Buddhism is a teaching for helping all people, especially those suffering the most. “Therefore,” Ikeda Sensei says, “[Buddhist] study needs to be rooted in daily life and serve as a guide for action. Study becomes a revitalizing force
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
Exam Dates And Times Exams will be scheduled from Jan. 31–Feb. 1 at local SGI-USA centers or other designated locations. Please contact your local organization for more details. What to Bring Examinees must bring a smartphone, tablet or laptop since this exam will be administered online. Eligibility This exam is intended for those who have
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
Everything you need to know to take the advanced exam.
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
“Buddhist study,” SGI President Ikeda says, “provides us with a great philosophy that serves as a compass to traverse the stormy and perilous seas of life. The more solid our foundation in Buddhist study, the stronger our faith will grow” (Dec. 9, 2005, World Tribune, p. 2). On Sept. 29, members and guests throughout the
Tag: SGI-USA Exams
The SGI-USA capped off the Year of Brilliant Achievement with another historic victory. On Dec. 15–16, 2018, 1,629 SGI-USA members and guests participated in the first online Introductory Exam. Not only was the average passing rate 80 percent, but also a palpable joy filled each exam location. Participants were enthusiastically welcomed and assisted by volunteer