Tag: Sharing Buddhism
The Benefit, Joy and Purpose of Sharing Buddhism
Key guidance on shakubuku
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
Key guidance on shakubuku
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
As we continue our Summer of Shakubuku, some readers have asked what it means to plant seeds of the Mystic Law. Sharing Nam-myoho-renge-kyo cards with others is a noble effort, yet Ikeda Sensei explains that the deeper purpose lies in engaging in genuine exchange rooted in our concern for others. The following is an excerpt
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
In this Summer of Shakubuku, let’s clear out the questions and make way for a determination.
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
Young people’s take on why they engage in the important practice of Buddhist dialogue.
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
The why, the how and the who of helping others become happy.
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
Lessons from the Kamata Campaign that we can apply today.
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
The eternal formula for achieving personal victory and transforming our land.
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on in the United States and around the world, SGI-USA members are “planting seeds of Buddhahood” by helping those around them form a connection to Nichiren Buddhism, a philosophy and practice of hope and self-empowerment. Ikeda Sensei says: Nichiren Daishonin writes, “Even one seed, when planted, multiplies” (“Cloth for a
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
In the Soka Gakkai, February is traditionally regarded as the month of sharing Buddhism. Let’s learn from Ikeda Sensei about the significance of this most important endeavor: sharing Buddhism with others. Benefitting Others: Inseparable Lives When we look after and care for others—that is, help others draw forth the strength to live—our own strength to
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
Q: Isn’t it enough for me to just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo? One’s own happiness to the exclusion of others is not true happiness. We cannot be happy while others are suffering. Seeking happiness for oneself and others is genuine happiness. The original purpose of Buddhism and the profound wish of the Buddha is to help those
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
At an SGI Training Course last November, an American youth asked Soka Gakkai General Director Shigeo Hasegawa about the historic Kamata Chapter Campaign of February 1952. The youth had read that the young Daisaku Ikeda, just 24 at the time, had roused the members to advance out of appreciation for their mentor, second Soka Gakkai
Tag: Sharing Buddhism
Daisaku Ikeda was 19 years old when he attended his first Soka Gakkai discussion meeting on August 14, 1947. His friend invited him to the meeting, explaining that they would discuss life philosophy. It was there that he first encountered his lifelong mentor, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda. He was earnestly searching for a