Tag: Transforming Society
We Still Have Treasures of the Heart
Stories of friendship, community and successors amid the Los Angeles fires
Tag: Transforming Society
Stories of friendship, community and successors amid the Los Angeles fires
Tag: Transforming Society
A conversation with youth leading our peace movement on what Buddhism has to say about misinformation, and how to identify and combat it with faith.
Tag: Transforming Society
On Sept. 8, 1957, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda issued his Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, marking the start of the Soka Gakkai’s broader peace movement. In the six decades since, the SGI’s peace movement, grounded in monthly local neighborhood discussion meetings, has expanded to encompass dialogue and activity in the realms
Tag: Transforming Society
Representatives of the SGI-USA Practicing Buddhism as People of African Descent Group recall the history of Juneteenth and how we can honor it as Buddhists. by Carolyn Colby and Dave GoodmanSGI-USA Practicing Buddhism as People of African Descent Group Women’s and Men’s Leaders At this time of year, we are reflecting on Juneteenth, a day
Tag: Transforming Society
In The New Human Revolution, vol. 12, pp. 30–32, responding to a question from a leader, Ikeda Sensei elucidates essential points for fostering youth. He addresses the topic from various angles and ultimately concludes: “What matters is that we look after the youth as if they were our younger siblings. Young people will not develop
Tag: Transforming Society
Recalling how their seniors in faith helped them overcome it all, women’s division members discuss how they are paying it forward to a new generation.
Tag: Transforming Society
On the 2024 theme: The Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide
Tag: Transforming Society
Now is the time to strengthen the SGI’s peace movement and foster successors.
Tag: Transforming Society
In the following essay, Ikeda Sensei draws vital lessons in conflict resolution from the exemplary life of Mahatma Gandhi. It was originally published in the Sept. 23, 2001, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. The essay is also available at daisakuikeda.org. “I don’t want toys or chocolate. All I want is peace
Tag: Transforming Society
For two weeks in October 1962, at the height of the Cold War, the world teetered on the edge of nuclear war as the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a direct and dangerous confrontation involving nuclear missile deployments. Amid the Cuban Missile Crisis, as it came to be known, Ikeda Sensei, appearing in
Tag: Transforming Society
On July 16, 1945, the atomic age came into being when scientists detonated the first atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Manhattan Project, would later recall in a magazine profile the reactions of those present: some laughed, some cried, most were silent. In his own mind ran
Tag: Transforming Society
Messages, testimonials and more on the Soka Gakkai’s enduring efforts for nuclear abolition.
Tag: Transforming Society
In the spring of 1992, the world’s eyes were on Los Angeles, as the verdict in the Rodney King trial sparked massive social unrest and a national debate about police brutality, racial discrimination and economic disparity. In six days of intense rioting, more than 60 people were killed and 2,300 injured in Los Angeles, with
Tag: Transforming Society
The Soka Gakkai recently launched “Transforming Human History,” a campaign to encourage engagement and inspire confidence that change is possible. It covers three areas that will determine the future for life on our planet: nuclear weapons abolition, education for all and climate action. These issues are the focus of Ikeda Sensei’s 2022 peace proposal. The
Tag: Transforming Society
The Soka Gakkai recently launched “Transforming Human History,” a campaign to encourage engagement and inspire confidence that change is possible. It covers three areas that will determine the future for life on our planet: nuclear weapons abolition, education for all and climate action. These issues are the focus of Ikeda Sensei’s 2022 peace proposal. The
Tag: Transforming Society
It is 100 seconds to midnight, according to the Doomsday Clock, a symbol representing the prospects of a manmade global catastrophe. The metaphorical clock had been devised in 1945 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, a group that included Albert Einstein and the University of Chicago scientists who helped develop the first atomic weapons. The
Tag: Transforming Society
Living Buddhism met with student division members from various fields of study to discuss their thoughts on abolishing nuclear weapons in the current climate as well as the crucial role dialogue plays in creating a harmonious society. Living Buddhism: Thank you for joining us. We’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts on nuclear abolition. Can
Tag: Transforming Society
After World War II, the United Nations was established in 1945 to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” Unfortunately, since then, some 250 armed conflicts have broken out around the world, claiming hundreds of millions of lives. Conflict resolution, which aims to resolve tense situations between opposing parties peacefully, became a significant field
Tag: Transforming Society
Here are three lessons that any of us can apply today.
Tag: Transforming Society
Merriam-Webster defines powerlessness as lacking the capacity or authority to act. To be sure, modern psychology suggests that when confronting a problem, lacking a defined role can make us feel less in control of a situation. Considering the nature of the pandemic and other world events, it may seem like many of society’s most significant